FIFA 22 Football Gameplay is coming this year! – but you probably didn’t need us to tell you that. An annual FIFA release is as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the best-selling games every year with amazing hypermutation addition.
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FIFA 22 promises huge gameplay changes for the latest edition of the best-selling football franchise, powered by next-gen HyperMotion gameplay technology!
The number one football fest remains an extremely lucrative endeavour for EA, particularly with its focus on Ultimate Team game modes, and FIFA 22 will be no different. But the biggest hurdle that annual sports games have to overcome is: what makes this version worth it compared to the last?
Well, this year EA Sports is banking on its new HyperMotion technology, which is essentially a brand-new motion capture and animation suite which EA believes will have a transformative impact on the beautiful game. This feature is, however, a next-gen console exclusive that has the potential to ruffle some feathers.

Still, it looks like EA is trying to use this new generation to step up its game with FIFA 22 which is pretty fortunate as, while FIFA 21 impressed us in some respects, it was far from perfect. Below you’ll find a roundup of all the recent news and rumours around FIFA 22, including trailers and what benefits to expect from pre-ordering.
In this modern world, this is the biggest change promised by EA Sports for this year’s game, but even the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of FIFA 22 have gameplay changes to differentiate them from last year’s edition.
So can’t wait to see FIFA 22 Gameplay